Poker Night

Co-hosted by beck haberstroh and Lizzie Zelter

Dealers: Chance Abbott, Naomi Nadreau, and Quinn Perrie

May 25, 2023

Through three different custom card decks created by interdisciplinary artist, writer, and facilitator, beck haberstroh, Poker Night guests will play with some of the internet’s most valuable photographs. The first deck, SEARCH collects the top search queries in Google Image Search in the United States between April 2022-23. The second deck, SELL gathers the most popular stock photos from Getty Images in the United States between April 2022-23. The third deck STORE reveals some of the faces used to train affect recognition algorithms.

Join co-hosts beck haberstroh and Lizzie Zelter for this participatory performance. Photo nerds, secret (or not so secret) card sharks, image culture enthusiasts, game night friends, and beyond are welcome.


Shape Shifting


Without love in the dream it'll never come true